9/24 Morning Announcements

You can see Dr. Smith's latest video update from September 23, 20221 here: https://vimeo.com/612866851 .

Patricia has been named a Commended Student in the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program. She is one of 34,000 students in the nation who have achieved this recognition.

9/23 Morning Announcements

Classroom Scenes From Today: AP Physics C students charting position, velocity, and acceleration during an experiment. Engineering & Design students collaborating on cardboard fan prototypes.

Congrats Violeta, our first @nyjets Upstander of the 21-22 school year

9/22 Morning Announcements

9/20 Morning Announcements

Morning Announcements

Preparing the pitch for a season of Gull soccer.

Morning Announcements

Morning Announcements

Follow this link for September Morning Announcements

Start Strong Testing Information:
ELA - 9/27 & 9/28
Math - 9/29 and 9/30
Science Grade 9 - 10/4 and 10/5
Science Grade 12 - 10/13
Full Memo Sent Through Genesis Parent Portal of click on the following link: https://5il.co/ywdr

REMINDER: Dual Enrollment Forms Are Due 9/20. For all information on our Gull Flight School Program follow this link:

It's a new school year, Gulls... Don't be shy about getting involved. It's the quickest way to classroom success and school enjoyment!

This year provides a new opportunity for all students to build academic confidence and keep a positive mindset.